Information - Kabli birdstation

Migration site

Kabli birdstation


Meelis Leivits Contacts

Web site

Last catching day

8 September 2024

Observation hours

8.775:33 observation hours, 9 year


6 pictures

lat: 58.01418, lng: 24.44928


The bird station was established in 1969 with the aim to investigate and monitor bird migration. The main methods of the station are banding of birds caught with Helgoland trap and with mist-nets, assessment of physiological conditions of individual birds by measurements and visual investigation, and as well as visual observation of migration flow. In addition to the bird studies in recent years, bats, dragonflies and butterflies and their migratory movements are taken into focus. Kabli Bird Station runs regularly in each year from mid-August until early November. The station is operated by Estonian Environament Agency.


Kabli bird station (58.01431N 24.44942E) is located in Häädemeeste parish, Kabli village.

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